
Project presentation

“Houloul” project is designed as an answer to the Tunisian citizens’ need for innovative Public Policies in the Post-Revolution Era. It provides the essential tools to develop original ideas in different fields in the form of Policy Briefs, dealing with different issues. These Policy Briefs are the fruit of the contribution of several actors such as the representatives of civil society, scholars, experts, researchers, etc…

“Houloul” aims at spreading these ideas widely and ensure that the recommendations of the contributors reach the decision’s makers.

The Scientific Committee is made up of the following people:

Executive Director of "Jamaity" which gathers information around Tunisian Civil Society. Throughout her career at Jamaity, Nour has been a consultant and trainer for various International Organizations. In 2013, Nour co-founded the project which Expolugha implemented by EUNIC. Holder of a master's degree in Management and Strategies from IHEC Carthage.


has 8 years of experience working with local and international NGOs on transparency and CSO's capacity building, he holds a bachelor's degree in Legal Sciences.


is a Tunisian activist working as researcher on Governance, Public Policies and Human Rights for Pandora research & training center. He is a Research Fellow with Arab Reform Initiative (ARI). He holds a master’s degree in International Law with a focus on Post Conflict State building and  reconstruction from the University of Aix-Marseille, France.

The team is made up of the following people:
Rabeb OUNI

Engineer in horticulture and plant production, she has worked in agriculture as well as civil society, she is interested in rural sociology, environmental issues and climate change.

Zeineb Kaabi

Graphic designer and community manager


Georesources and Environment Engineer and Researcher particularly interested in socio-ecological issues related to access to natural resources.


Natural ressource management engineer, active in civil society that defends human rights and good governance. Winner of the National Award for Best Innovation in Waste recovery in 2016 and co-founder (COO) of FarmVie.

How the knowledge base works

La base de connaissance permet de consulter des Policy briefs sur de nombreux sujets, essentiellement relatifs aux politiques publiques en Tunisie. Elle est constituée de :

Rubriques :

Qui sont les sujets auxquels nous nous intéressons en matière de gouvernance (secteurs de la sécurité, justice, éducation, économie, finances et budgets, décentralisation, emploi, culture, etc.)

Thèmatiques :

Dans chaque rubrique s’insèrent des thématiques. Exemple : dans la rubrique justice, on trouvera les thématiques accès à la justice, réforme des institutions de la justice, justice transitionnelle, infrastructure et services judiciaires, etc.

Policy briefs (PB) :

Dans chaque thématique apparaîtront des Policy briefs rédigés par des contributeurs et édités par des curateurs. Les PB auront un format précis et uniformisé qui permette au lecteur, une fois habitué, de se concentrer exclusivement sur le contenu. Les policy briefs ont vocation à apporter une courte analyse d’un contexte mais gravitent essentiellement autour de recommandations et mesures formulées. La base de connaissance met bout à bout plusieurs policy briefs afin de permettre une analyse approfondie d’un sujet par un système d’arborescence. Les policy briefs sur une thématique se suivent et s’enchaînent en traitant un même sujet, même si les opinions des contributeurs divergent.

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