
Yasmine AKRIMI

A PhD candidate at Political Sciences, Grand University, Belgium and analysist of research on Northa Africa at Brussel International Center for Strategic Analysis. She is focusing essentially at the movements of contestation, migration and racial dynamics and gender questions in Maghreb.

The rights of Sub-Saharan migrants in Tunisia

The precarious status of migrants labours in Tunisia is visible. Sub-Saharan migrants are over-represented in low paid service jobs such as assistant waiters, bathroom cleaners, or street and public space cleaners. Of the 53,000 foreigners that live in Tunisia, 12,000 are from sub-Saharan Africa[1]. Yet institutionally, these migrants are nowhere.

By Yasmine AKRIMI | 22 September 2021

Sub-Saharan Migration in Tunisia: The urgent need for Reform

The presence of sub-Saharan Africans in the Maghreb countries is not a recent development. Since the advent of “Fortress Europe”, the imposition of individual visas on the countries of the South and the implementation of intra-African restrictions, sub-Saharan migration to the countries of the north of the continent is a growing phenomenon. In Tunisia, this

By Yasmine AKRIMI | 14 December 2020